Saturday, November 7, 2009

15 again

when i was 14 till i was 19, I worked in the kitchen at a spot called The Cape Restaurant and Lounge where i started out doing dishes and left working the fryers and cooking bar food late nights. It was my first job and in a lot of ways i feel like i grew up there. But the one thing i hated most about the job was that the owner/head chef always had the radio set on "Froggy 93 FM" a HORRIBLE new age country station where no joke they played the same songs on repeat every hour i believe. Anyways long story short this past week our pals in Deer Tick played at Rev Hall in Troy and out of no where covered this song. I sat there wondering why and how i remembered the words and who the fuck sang it. Im not sure if this dude is the original singer but I remember hearing it ALL the time when I was younger and hated it- I alway thought "what the fuck does this dude know about Hank Williams" - and well now after hearing it this past week and have it rack my brain till today I gotta say, I kinda like it. Maybe it was the whiskey and coors light that got me singing this shit or maybe it was a selective memory of a time and place you sometimes forget about coming up randomly to make you appreciate where you came from and the people who taught you a lot.


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